About Me

I'm a writer, translator and aspiring director. Occasionally, I actually do some work instead of using this blog as a displacement exercise.

Sunday 16 January 2011


A busy week. I managed to start it by annoying a friend by inadvertently claiming, thanks to some poorly-chosen words and an over-enthusiastic continuation of a long-expired private joke, that I was passing off my opinions as hers. Always a good plan for a Monday. Really takes the sting out of the rest of the week.

Monday also saw another networking event for aspiring film people. Don't get me wrong, I know these can serve a terrific purpose and the organisers do their level best to have them run smoothly, but by Christ I hate them. I dread having to walk up to total strangers, introduce myself and then launch into a sales pitch about how great I am. It's like trying to chat someone up, but using the medium of public speaking and knowing you definitely aren't having sex later.

On the plus side however, I did meet a few people who found me interesting - possibly because of the ragged state of my trousers - and I got an email a few days from an agent who asked me for some writing samples. So that's nice.

Tuesday was to have been a work evening. Instead I did bugger all.

Wednesday was film quiz night. We won, yet again, but a miscount with the points meant that we wound up third. As a result, our prize was doubled to 24 bottles of beer to be split between five people. Weirdly, this almost degenerated into an argument between myself and another teammate, who happens to be The Most Famous Person I Know, because I wouldn't take any. You can't put beer into the hands of a man trying to lose weight. You may as well shove a white baguette down my gullet.

The novelty wears off quickly.
An interesting occurrence a little earlier. The cinema nearby has a little 3D demonstration booth set up nearby, with a Blu-ray player running trailer clips on a loop and a couple of polarised glasses on poles.

I have an astigmatic left eye, which simply means that the muscles are not as strong as they should be. My right eye tends to dominate, therefore, which is why I have poor depth perception - hence my excuse for being rubbish at most sports, since I can't tell how far away the ball is - and have never seen a Magic Eye picture.

I had assumed that I wouldn't be able to see polarised 3D either, since I thought the eyes would need to be of equal strength. I had a look through the glasses, and it turns out they don't. I'm a bit late to catch Tron: Legacy again, so it's going to have to be The Green Hornet tomorrow as my first experience of a 3D movie. Let's hope it doesn't put me off, eh?

Even more amusing was the fire drill at work that afternoon. As a fire marshal, I outrank everyone once the alarm sounds, so I was a little surprised to find a colleague still sitting in the kitchen, supping at a cuppa and browsing through the Metro. A little interrogation revealed that he thought it was fine to ignore the alarm, that it didn't apply to him and was probably a drill.  I attempted to hustle him out of the building, to no avail, and then the building supervisor turned up.

I was forced to suppress a smile, as he casually told the transgressor that he would be reported to his HR department and took my name to act as witness at any resulting disciplinary hearing. Looking rather sheepish, the asbestoid twit departed through the nearest fire exit.

Thursday was book group day, and this seems to be attracting fewer and fewer attendees each month. The subject of discussion was Small Gods by Terry Pratchett, which everyone seemed to enjoy, thus rendering any serious debate a little redundant. Nevertheless, an enjoyable evening was had.

"I could grow to love this place."
Only "could"?
Friday evening was another exercise in work avoidance. Instead of matching up my highlighted notes from the "how to write" book with the screenplay I had actually written, I decided to watch Local Hero instead, thus eroding my huge, teetering pile of unwatched DVDs by the tune of one. It's a beautiful film, a sheer miracle. If you haven't seen it, it's available for peanuts from Play.
Soon there will be more here, about my first 3D movie, why I'm not a member of Alarm Clock Britain and my worrying parsnip obsession. But that's all for now.

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